Psalm 136:1: “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good.

Sanctification is a continual process since a believer is not completely freed from sin until the day of resurrection. Justification is a one-time act of God, which makes it complete and finished. May the lord our God bless as you walk with him and that you are able to reach out to others that are crying out for salvation. You have a wonderful voice and the Lord has blessed you abundantly both in your voice and in the Ministry from JSM…Ī Bible verse (2 Corinthians 13:14) that I would like to share with you “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
I watch you and all the singers on TV including the message of the Cross on the Jimmy Swaggart Ministries Son Life Sunday sessions.

Thank you Tara for been able to express yourself through the gift God gave you in your voice. I can get fiery Holy Ghost preaching up here, I was planning a trip down there. Obviously I love the ministry and try to watch it every time I can, but with Bob gone then honestly my motivation to watch becomes severely limited.

Her oldest, Nicholas who everyone calls Sonny and attended Jimmy Swaggart Bible College and Seminary. As of 2020, they have four children together. Mishel McCumber is a writer/researcher who worked as Webmaster for Jimmy Swaggart Ministries from 2008 to 2011.Tara married her husband, Joseph Montpetit in September 2004 while they were already parents to their two oldest kids.